Are There Driverless Car Laws in South Carolina?

Posted by Allison Sullivan on Mar 30, 2017 8:47:32 AM

Driverless cars have been making national headlines since the original autonomous Tesla was first introduced.  Unfortunately, not all of these headlines have been positive.

While Pittsburgh and other Pennsylvania cities continue to grapple with the safety and regulations of driverless Uber cars, other areas of the country have seen these autonomous vehicles involved in fatal crashes when the computer failed to recognize the difference between a clear blue sky and the side of a tractor trailer on a busy highway.

Surveys have consistently shown that high numbers of current drivers are nervous or concerned about the potential for serious car wrecks involving driverless cars, with one national survey showing 3 out of 4 survey respondents stating they would be afraid to ride in a driverless car.

With autonomous vehicles like the Tesla S are on the rise, you may be looking at headlines like this (in which autonomous cars 'self-crashed' during tests) and wondering...

Are there any laws about driverless cars in South Carolina? 

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Topics: Automobile Accident

Considering Becoming a Qui Tam Whistleblower? Read This First.

Posted by Allison Sullivan on Mar 17, 2017 9:05:48 AM

When you think of someone becoming a whistleblower, you may think of famous cases like Deep Throat and Watergate in the 70's, Mark Whitacre and the price-fixing case that made national headlines in 1992, the fraud investigator who discovered Bernie Madoff's crimes, and other headline-news events.

Being a whistleblower on fraud doesn't usually end up on the six o'clock news, however.

Often, it looks more like everyday American citizens who stumble upon fraud being perpetrated against the state or federal government. When these citizens bring this information to the light, they become qui tam (KEE-tam) whistleblowers.

Many whistleblowers work for the institutions or people they discover are committing fraud. If you have discovered that your employer is defrauding the United States government, you may wonder whether or not it's safe to bring your suspicions or knowledge to light.

Here are some tips for protecting yourself when becoming a qui tam whistleblower.

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Topics: Qui tam

Injured By a Defective Product? You Have Options in South Carolina!

Posted by Allison Sullivan on Mar 7, 2017 9:00:42 AM

When you've been injured by a defective product, it may be hard to know where to turn. Should you simply try to return the product for the money you initially paid for it, taking on the cost of medical care for your injuries by yourself? Should you sue? In South Carolina, those who have been injured or made ill due to defective products they purchased have the ability to bring a products liability claim to court.

Let's take a look at the basics of defective product liability in South Carolina, what you'll need to do to prove your claim, and what steps you should take in the event of injury or illness in this situation.

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Topics: Personal Injury